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Carmel Filippone

Paediatric Cot for the Mother and Baby Unit has arrived.

What a great way to end the week. Thanks Leanne and Vicki from Wydham Health Foundation for sending through these photos and letting us know that the Paediatric Cot for the Mother and Baby Unit we donated for the Werribee Mercy Hospital is now operational!

Why did we donate this?

The safe delivery of a newborn is of utmost importance to every parent.

The Mother and Baby Unit provides care for women and their babies, when inpatient mental health treatment is required for a mother in her baby’s first year of life.

Mental illness at this crucial time can affect a mother’s relationship with her baby. It can undermine a woman’s confidence and belief in her ability to be a good mother.

Mother & Baby Units are designed to keep mothers and their babies together. Specialist staff nurture and support the mother infant relationship on the ward at the same time as the mother has treatment for her mental illness.

Around 1 in 5 pregnant women will have a mental health problem during their pregnancy, and in the year after they have a baby.


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